When a temporary auto call worker rescues an interior designer by talking with her to calm her down the two believe that they should explore the spark they felt during the call, however due to a series of serendipitous moments they both somehow manage to miss each other! The question is... Will fate finally bring them together or will destiny continue pulling them apart?
发布时间:2024-05-17 21:59 影片的年夜部门时候,是在佐藤浩市饰演的差人和作为未成年杀人凶杀mm之间的感情戏,一面一群自私残暴的隐私刺探者和洽事者在收集和媒体上对这个小女孩穷追不舍,一面是这位差人年夜叔和小女孩在短暂的几天相处顶用心灵往沟通,故事的结尾自不消说,仍是一个温馨的带着浓浓情面味的终局。